欽聖 & José Stewart《行樂千山 Sonus de Gaya》

欽聖 & José Stewart《行樂千山 Sonus de Gaya》

2016 八月,欽聖與José Stewart 在西班牙進行本張專輯音樂的巡演和錄音,分別與西班牙吉他手 Jaime Badia、加利西亞風笛演奏家Abraham Fernández 以及Laud 演奏家Samuel Soto 共同攜手合作,融合西班牙傳統音樂、加利西亞、居爾特民族傳統音樂,每場演出都帶給聽眾廣大的迴響,台灣的愛樂朋友絕不要錯過本次難得的音樂饗宴。

In August of 2016, ChinSheng and José Stewart toured and recorded their album in Spain, collaborating with Spanish guitarist Jaime Badia, Galician bagpiper Abraham Fernández and Bouzouki player Samuel Soto, integrating the musical traditions of Spain with elements of Galician traditional Celtic music. Each show has brought a great response from each audience- and now we're looking forward to sharing our special project with music-loving friends in Taiwan. Don't miss it!
 Sonus De Gaya Promotion 2 For Taichuang Hola Heima

欽聖,來自台灣;Jose Stewart,來自西班牙。 相識於美國波士頓,用音樂做為語言,交流了文化、想法。 透過兩人的經歷,用音樂消弭了國界和語言的限制, 不僅結合了居爾特民族音樂和拉丁音樂, 也加入了來自台灣賽德克族的音樂元素於其創作中。   

Music is a language: it describes emotions and goes into nature. Originally from Taiwan and Spain respectively, 欽聖 and Jose Stewart met in Boston. Through music, they understood each other's cultures and exchanged ideas with each other. With music, national borders no longer exist. With music, language barriers are no longer there. With music, they portray the landscape of their lives. With music, they reach into the unlimited world within their limited lives. Come experience the sparkle in their music.   Acoustic Guitar / Baritone Guitar:欽聖ChinSheng Drums / Cajon:José Stewart

Special Guest : 陳佳佑/中國笛

Hola Heima / 台中市南區南門路59巷57號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2016/10/05 00:00(+0800) ~ 2016/10/15 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料

5 参加者